Hi companions now we have accompanied another subject – QUANTUM COMPUTING and to comprehend it we have see a few nuts and bolts about PC working.
A PC is comprised of exceptionally straightforward segments doing basic things speaking to information the methods for preparing it and control system.

Computer chips contain modules which contain logic gates which contains transistors . A transistor is the simplest form of a data processor in computers basically a switch that can either block or open the way for the information coming through it ,this information is made up of bits which can be set to either 0 or 1 , combination of several bits are used to represent more complex informations . Transistors are combined to create logic gates which do very simple stuffs , for an AND gate sends output of 1 if all of its inputs are 1 and the output is 0 otherwise . Mix of rationale entryways at long last structure significant modules , state to including 2 numbers , once you can include , you can also multiply and once you can multiply , you can basically do anything since all basic operations are literally simpler than first grade maths .

Now , coming to our topic ,a computer which makes use of the quantum states of subatomic particles to store information is a quantum computer.They use quantum mechanical phenomena to manipulate information with the help of quantum bits, or qubits .

So let us give you three examples that can change the potential applications of life using quantum computing
- First of all Quantum Uncertainty can be used to create private keys for encrypting messages send from one location to another so that hackers secretly copy the key perfectly due to quantum vulnerability , they would need to infringe upon the laws of quantum material science to hack the key. So this type of unbreakable encryption is already been tested by banks and other institutions worldwide , today we use more than 70 billions of connected devices globally , you should just imagine the impact quantum encryption could have in the future .

Secondly quantum technology is good also transform health care and medicine , for example the design and analysis of molecules for drug development is a challenging problem today and that because exactly describing and calculating all of the quantum property of all the atoms in the molecule is a computationally difficult task even for our super computers but a quantum computer could do better because it operates using the same quantum property as the molecules is trying to simulate. So future large scale quantum simulations for drug development should perhaps lead to treatment like Alzheimer’s which affects thousands of life.
Also, thirdly my preferred quantum application is teleportation of data starting with one area then onto the next without physically transmitting the data , sounds like science fiction however it is conceivable these liquids identities of the quantum particles can get entangled across the space and time in such a way that when you change something about one particle it can impact the other and that creates a channel for teleportation , its already demonstrated in research labs and could be the part of future quantum internet .

We don't have such an network as yet but many are working on these possibilities by simulating a quantum network on a quantum computer . So we have designed and interpreted new protocols such as teleportation among different users in the network and efficient data transmission and even secure voting . So its a lot a fun for me being a quantum educationist, i highly recommend it . We get the chance to be traveler in quantum wonderland who comprehends what application we will find straightaway .We should exchange cautiously and mindfully as we manufacture our quantum future .Personally i don't feel quantum physics as a tool just to build quantum computer , i see quantum computer as a way for us to prove the mysteries of nature and uncover increasingly about the shrouded world outside of our encounters , how astounding that we people with our generally constrained access to universe can in any case observe a long ways past our horizons just using our imagination and the universe rewards us by showing how incredibly interesting and surprising it is . The future is fundamentally uncertain and to me that is certainly exciting .
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